e-Vision IPTV Apk Free Download for Android [Live TV]

e-Vision IPTV APK + MOD v2.4.0

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4.7/5 - (3 votes)

Overview Information

Name e-Vision IPTV
Package com.szdq.elinksmart
Publisher Elink Smart
Category Entertainment
Version 2.4.0
Size 10.88 MB
Requires Android 7.0 and Up
Updated On
e-Vision IPTV Apk Free Download for Android [Live TV] for watching the latest movies and Series and Live Television on your Android phone.

4.7/5 - (3 votes)

We are bringing Android users an engaging Entertainment application. The app title is e-Vision IPTV Apk and it is going to deliver Live TV services and an endless video library. If users are trying to get entertainment in their free time, this is the application to download for your Android phones.

  1. What is e-Vision IPTV Apk?
  2. Movies and Series
  3. Live Television
  4. Are there any alternatives to e-Vision IPTV Apk?
  5. How to Download e-Vision IPTV Apk File?
  6. How to Install the Apk File?
  7. Key Features of e-Vision IPTV Apk
  8. FAQs
  9. Is the e-Vision IPTV App available on the Google Play Store?
  10. Is it safe to download and install the e-Vision IPTV Apk file?
  11. Is there an iOS version of this application?
  12. Final Words

Generally, an application would require users to buy a subscription plan worth hundreds of dollars. However, this platform delivers all the services without charging a single penny. Users are going to get amazing streaming features here. There are plenty more features to know and talk about.

What is e-Vision IPTV Apk?

e-Vision IPTV Apk is an entertainment application for Android device users. It will deliver amazing services to keep users entertained without charging a single penny. Viewers will enjoy both live television services as well as the latest movies and series. Viewer entertainment is guaranteed here.

Users will be able to access the main interface without any added requirements like account registration. The main interface has multiple tabs that will make content exploration easy for viewers. The two main tabs will be live TV and movies. Both tabs will be easily accessible.

Viewers are going to get a landscaped view for a better watching experience. The app’s default language is English and global viewers will be able to enjoy the usage. The app offers plenty more features to make the user experience smooth. All these features as mentioned are going to be free to access.

Movies and Series

Viewers interested in watching the latest movies and series should access this tab. The app moderators are working round the clock to keep the content library updated. The entire section can be accessed without any premium requirements. The movies and series are listed from multiple movie industries.

To make the user experience smooth, the app is going to offer a genre list. The genre list will make content exploration easy. There are hundreds of genres for both movies and series. Viewers can enjoy their desired content by simply choosing a genre. There is a search bar available for keyword searches.

Live Television

This section of the e-Vision IPTV App is going to deliver hundreds of TV channels. The channels will deliver different sorts of programs. Many viewers would be interested in watching TV serials or keeping themselves updated with current affairs by watching news channels. It has got everything for everyone.

Most viewers are into watching live sporting events. This application is going to deliver numerous sports channels for that. Viewers can enjoy watching live Football matches from numerous international leagues. There are channels for watching Cricket leagues and series as well as other sports.

Are there any alternatives to e-Vision IPTV Apk?

Viewers will find many IPTV app alternatives on this website. There is an entire dedicated to sharing entertainment apps. Users can visit the section and download desired applications. Now to make things easier for users we are going to recommend the options namely Apne TV Movies and Flix Vision.

How to Download e-Vision IPTV Apk File?

The app file can be downloaded from the links presented on this page. There are two download links shared on this page. Tapping once on any one of the tabs will direct users to the main download menu. The download process will begin within a few seconds from the links shared. The Apk file is safe to download.

How to Install the Apk File?

Starting the installation process is easy but there is a simple task to perform first. Users have to visit the device settings>security settings and all installation permissions for apps downloaded from unknown sources. After this simple task, users can begin the manual installation process.

  • Go to Device file manager>downloads folder and locate the downloaded file.
  • As the file is located, tap on the Apk and wait for the installation wizard to begin.
  • Once the wizard appears, tap on the install button and wait for the process to complete.

Key Features of e-Vision IPTV Apk

  • The Apk file is free to download and install.
  • The app does not ask for any in-app purchases.
  • The user interface loads instantly.
  • Third-party advertisements are not allowed during the playback.
  • Watch unlimited latest movies and series.
  • Enjoy watching live sporting events for free.
  • HD and HD plus video playback.
  • Multiple server options for buffer-free playback.
  • Download movies and series to watch offline.
  • Many more…


Is the e-Vision IPTV App available on the Google Play Store?

No, this Android app is not present on Google Play Store.

Is it safe to download and install the e-Vision IPTV Apk file?

Yes, the Apk file is safe to download and install on Android devices.

Is there an iOS version of this application?

No, we are only presenting the Android version of this application.

Final Words

This is an opportunity for viewers to enjoy the latest movies and series or watch global sporting events in one place. e-Vision IPTV Apk has tons of amazing features and services to offer. Users can enjoy these features and services free of cost after installing the application.

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